Live Company

1081 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - we live in the time of the bezzle

I start on the usual subject. Please do donate HERE. Then I discuss a bull market and the bezzle and recent deals that are simply corrupt or wrong or deceptive. The case studies are Live Company (LVCG), Iconic (ICON) and Powerhouse (PHE). Anyone spending 20 minutes on the internet can see for themselves. Only in a raging bull market could folks think they would get away with such nonsense. I comment on the crisis at Bidstack (BIDS) and then analyse today’s trading statement from ADVFN (AFN) and what it means for the battle for the board.


1093 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: even by the standards of Roland "Fatty" Cornish this is an utter disgrace

There are a lot of disgraceful things happening today and so this is a long bearcast and Matthew and his Dog will enjoy it. In it I cover: the fraud Supply@ME capital (SYME), the Zoetic (ZOE) fraud, the utter shocker at Live Company (LVCG), where Fatty  covers himself in shame, Sarah Willingham’s Nightcap (NGHT), a gotcha! for me but more smoke and mirrors and valuation anomalies from Ms W and finally Braveheart Investment Management (BRH). In the excitement I forgot to mention uber dog Bidstack (BIDS) which is now down to its last seven weeks cash and where a bailout placing must be imminent. If you enjoyed today’s show, how about backing the Rogue Bloggers HERE?  


1796 days ago

Live Company – another AIM Casino POS caught lying

And clueless Marcus Stuttard at AIM Regulation wonders why the AIM Casino is regarded as such a joke? How about because companies are able to lie to investors without sanction? I flagged up BlueJay earlier for telling a monstrous porky, now here is another, Live Company (LVCG).’
